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Here Is What Is Included:
Hello! Thank you for reserving your spot for our upcoming Bootcamp for Young Entrepreneurs.  We are beyond excited to support you in your journey to go beyond what you thought was possible!   You are taking an important first step in taking your cool ideas and turning them into real business opportunities that you can launch now!!   Dr. Torrens has helped hundreds of young entrepreneurs launch their companies and is excited to work with you!

>>4 Weekly Class Sessions (Zoom) on Mondays from 4:30-6:00 pm

Module 1:  Opportunity Recognition and Value Proposition
Module 2:  Customer Validation and Pricing
Module 3:  Business Modelling and Feasibility Analysis
Module 4:  Entrepreneurial Marketing and Making Sales

>>What you will experience in each of the  sessions:

Each week you will watch a few short pre-recorded videos on each of the weekly topics.  Once you watch the videos, you will be expected to do a little homework and apply the knowledge you just gained.  

During our lives classes, Dr. Torrens will expand on the weekly topics, share more examples, answer questions, and give you an opportunity to present your week's homework to the rest of the group for feedback. 

It's only 4 weeks, so come prepared to dig in and make the most of it! 

Opportunity Recognition and Value Proposition
Not all good ideas are good business opportunities.  This week you will learn what makes an idea an actual business opportunity, and where to look for those opportunities.  You will also learn how to formulate, test, iterate and re-test your value hypothesis to translate it into a compelling value proposition for your potential customers. The main point of this week is to learn how to translate ideas into business opportunities with a clear and compelling value proposition that will resonate with your customers and get them to buy.  This process can be applied to all of your future ideas!

Customer Validation and Pricing
This week you will learn how to structure and execute low-cost or no-cost customer validation techniques to understand how your product or service compares to the Next Best Alternatives (NBAs).  You will learn how to effectively segment and target your market and learn how to analyze pricing scenarios to unlock the greatest number of customers at the greatest profit potential.  The point of this week is for you to understand what your customers need and how to price it in a way that they will spend money on it.  The more you learn now, the more you can pivot to meet the demand more precisely before spending any time, energy, or money launching a solution that people don't want.  Nobody launches Plan A, so be prepared to pivot based on your validation feedback.

Business Modelling and Feasibility Analysis
This week you will learn about the different business models to apply to your product or service.  Business to Business, Business to Consumer, Direct Sales, Subscription Models, and many others.  You will learn how to choose a model that will work best for your value proposition and your target customer segment(s).  You will also learn how to run simple analyses to evaluate the overall feasibility of the business opportunity to give you the confidence to move forward (or see what you need to change to move forward).

Entrepreneurial Marketing and Making Sales
This week you will learn how to reach your customers through a variety of low-cost or no-cost techniques marketing.  You will learn the nuts & bolts of social and digital advertising and get a list of some of the coolest and most helpful tools for bootstrapping entrepreneurs to convert their marketing leads and lists into actual sales and money in the bank!

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