Helping  Entrepreneurs  Harness The Power of  Their ADHD
ADHD is an Entrepreneur's Superpower:
If you know how to use it!
As an entrepreneur, you have already achieved something that most people never will: owning your own business.  If you have ADHD (or think you do), you have probably experienced some of the downsides.  Things like starting projects without finishing them, having trouble getting started, getting distracted by 'shiny objects', and making bad decisions on an impulse.  Recent research shows that there are very functional flip sides to those traits and that your propensity for risk, impulsivity, and impatience can actually help you thrive as an entrepreneur and outperform your competition.
What People Are Saying About Lightning in a Bottle:
“I have been working with John for the last year, I was at a crucial stage of scale and growth within my company, and I was struggling with manifestations of my ADHD as a founder. Riddled with anxiety and lack of direction. My staff were becoming frustrated with my constant change of direction, not finishing tasks, and chasing butterflies. His coaching has helped me to develop strategies to direct my ‘lightning’, and build on my strengths and weaknesses. As well as help my staff cope with the often chaotic explosion of ideas.  
- Abe Bland, Founder/CEO Tribes Adventure Group
'Lightning in a Bottle' captures the essence of the entrepreneurial journey for those with ADHD. As a leading expert on the subject, Torrens' teachings have empowered me to harness my ADHD, changing it from a distraction into an entrepreneurial superpower. If you have ever felt like you can't concentrate, or are easily distracted, John will help you leverage the power of your ADHD to build a world-class company. 
-Matt Shumer, Founder/CEO Otherside AI
 I felt seen, heard, and encouraged on every page. This book empowers entrepreneurs with the tools to turn their ADHD into a superpower, providing a mindful path forward to lead any tribe. Whether you personally have ADHD or conduct business with someone who does, this is the book for you.
- Kelsey Davis, Founder/CEO CLLCTVE
Discover how you can Harness the power of your ADHD to Achieve explosive business growth...
Entrepreneurship; ADHD
For those entrepreneurs ready to capture lightning in a bottle and take their businesses to the next level, we offer personalized 1:1 coaching as well as group coaching for founders with ADHD.
Do you have the next Elon Musk or Sara Blakely on your hands? This 4-week boot camp will teach your budding entrepreneur how to turn their great ideas into business opportunities . 

Dr. Torrens will deliver an interactive educational session based on the book with time for Q&A. Participants will take a deep dive into the various traits of ADHD and discuss when those traits can be harmful and when they can be helpful. Specific strategies for minimizing the downside and maximizing the upside will be provided and discussed as a group. 
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